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Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Women -- Play To win In Business and Life

This article was sent to me just today and I
thought it seriously marked issues that we as
women do have. Very thought provoking -- And
yes by going to the Summit your chances of
increased traffic to your site would be only
a by-product of this life-changing event.

Please Read -- Is this You?

Have you seen this happen to a woman you know?

She gets very close to success - then turns
her attention in another direction.

She has an opportunity to "shine" at a meeting,
but turns it over to someone else.

You compliment her on what a great job she did
and she gives credit to the team instead.

She has a million-dollar idea, but decides to
take the safer route and get a steady job and
pursue the idea "later."

These are examples of "playing not to lose" and
it's often a common ailment of women in business.
It's taking the safe option instead of really
going for it.

While part of this may be a result of our culture,
we still have choices. And that choice can be to
"play to win!"

There are five principles for a "Play to Win" attitude.

1. Be Decisive. In business there are opportunities
that are time-sensitive and if you delay in making
a choice, you may lose the chance. From ordering
lunch to signing contracts to choosing the ideal
outfit, you need to learn to trust yourself and
make decisions quickly. Start with the menu at
lunch tomorrow. Make your choice in less than a
minute, then enjoy more time for your lunch and
the conversation.

2. Live with a Commitment to Learning. Part of
the learning cycle is recognizing and admitting
that you don't know. Be open to asking questions
and give up the need to be the ultimate authority.
You'll enjoy a confidence that it's okay to be you.

3. Learn from Mentors with Experience. Successful
people did not achieve their success alone, yet
we sometimes think we need to do it all ourselves.
Seek out a mentor and absorb their guidance and
advice. It doesn't make you appear less capable
by asking for help.It evokes thoughts of "Winner"
when you are willing to ask for mentoring.

4. Be Resourceful with Daily Activities. Women
are naturally good at multitasking, so we tend
to be very efficient. But what that talent does
yield sometimes is a lack of focus. So learning
to balance the focus and the multitasking is key
to the Play to Win attitude.

5. Join a Team of Like-Minded Players. In the
famous book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill,
the power of the Mastermind is emphasized. It is
important to align yourself with others who are
on the level to which you aspire. So be cautious
in your associations with people, organizations
and even what you read and watch! Be sure they
are on the same winning level.

Learning to Play to Win is a process which can be
learned and practiced on a daily basis. Start now
to stomp out that "playing not to lose" attitude
and start winning!

Put that principle into action and click this link to
get registered now:


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