Secret Marketing Strategies Exposed
The following article includes five secret marketing strategies. The most important thing is to study each marketing strategy with an open mind. The more you understand about any strategy, the more useful and beneficial it will be. A careful reading of these strategies could really make a big difference in your profits.
Secret Marketing Strategies Exposed! by Larry Dotson
1. The "Sell And Raise" Strategy
The "make at least (no.) affiliate sales and I'll add another $(no.) commission to each sale..." strategy tells your prospects that they can make a higher commission rate if they reach your sales goal. It will really motivate them to promote your affiliate program and give them something to strive for.
2. The "Reader Warning" Strategy
The "warning: just reading this letter could give you (a physical reaction)..." strategy tells your prospects that reading your sales letter could give them chills down their spine, goose bumps, the shakes, etc. People will want to read it to see what type of information could possibly do this to them.
3. The "Negotiation" Strategy
The "after hours of negotiating I finally talked (business person's name) into giving you a special deal..." strategy tells your prospects you gave up a lot of your personal time to get them a discount. They will appreciate that and likely respond to the time you gave up to save them some money.
4. The "Beta Version" Strategy
The "if you order the beta version now, you will get a (no.)% discount..." strategy tells your prospects they will get a copy of your product that might contain a few bugs but will be cheaper. You could always tell them they will get the final version of your product when it's complete.
5. The "Do The Math" Strategy
The "quality product + affordable price = great value..." strategy tells your prospects a single math equation that will help them understand just how good of a deal you are offering. Sometimes presenting your offer as something other than a normal sales pitch will persuade them to buy.
I hope that reading all five of these strategies was both educational and inspiring for you. The day will come when one or more of these strategies will have a beneficial impact on your business.
Keep in mind that marketing can change over time, so be sure you keep up to date with the latest marketing strategies. The more you know about marketing, the more successful you will become. ----- Grab 500 Secret Marketing Strategies For NO Cost!